Extra credit assignment

 Stereotypes free write:

People stereotype others all over the world just for the color of their skin, the way they dress, etc. I feel as if it’s extremely judgemental to have an opinion on someone you don’t know. Instead of stereotyping people, you should just try to get to know them instead. African Americans have been stereotyped for years for different types of clothes/fashion or their hair. Most people immediately think a male of colored descent with dreads is a “thug” and that is most definitely not the case. On the other hand, some people think all Caucasians are racist and that’s not the case. In conclusion, get to know someone before you stereotype them.

Prejudices free write: 

Just like stereotyping, being prejudice isn’t right at all and shouldn’t be done. Prejudice means a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. This also means to judge someone/something negatively. It extremely unacceptable to be prejudice towards anyone because of sex, race, religion, etc. How someone carries their self is their business and you shouldn’t be worried about it.

Ted talk

1. The stories that Adichie wrote as a child were surprising because they were all based off of what she read as a child. She wrote them this way because that’s how she read them in British and American children books.

2. Vulnerable, children

3. Adichie was surprised that Fide’s family could create art because she always saw them as being poor.

4.  Adichie blames Western literature for the single story of Africa because of the writing of John Locke and his voyage to west Africa in 1561.

5. That is what they become

6. Definitive story of that person

7. Adichie didn’t have a single story of America because she had read multiple stories of America.

8. Flatten, incomplete

9. Some examples she gave were her Nigerian publisher, a recent hear procedure, contemporary Nigerian music, a female lawyer, and her hair breeder.

10. I’ve fell victim to a single story about most police officers. I felt as if most police officers (white in particular) hated African Americans and were after us. Every time you turn on the news it’s a black man dying to gun violence or an officer. My view on cops is slowly changing though, as I start to realize all cops aren’t that bad. Having a balance of stories could change the situation by sitting down and having a conversation with a police officer.


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